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Three years ago, trash collector Harold Walls lost his wallet, which held $800. Turns out, though, the wallet wasn't really lost?it was on vacation. And thanks to a good Samaritan, Walls finally has it back. has the full story. Walls had assumed he dropped his wallet while collecting trash one morning. He and his partner retraced their steps. Alas, no luck.
"I wrote it off, honestly," Walls told of the wallet and money, which he'd planned to use to buy a TV. "Ain't no sense in harping about it or crying over spilled milk. Keep moving."
In 2012, the truck Walls and his partner used was retired by the city and sold at auction to a farmer up in Maine. The farmer took apart the bench seat in the truck's cab and, lo and behold, he found the long-missing wallet. The farmer mailed it back to Walls, cash included.
"I was real surprised it came back with everything. ... It happens to restore a lot of faith that there are still some good people out there," Walls said.
It also serves as a good reminder: If you're missing something, check underneath the cushions.
It began as a seemingly awkward Jack Nicholson introduction of the very long list on nominees, but the Best Picture denouement?at a very long Oscars ceremony on Sunday turned into a surprise appearance by Michelle Obama, via satellite from the Governors' Ball in Washington, D.C.?where earlier she had sat next to Chris Christie?to introduce and announce the winner,?Argo.?
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Obama administration and civil rights groups are defending a key section of the landmark voting rights law at the Supreme Court by pointing reformed state, county and local governments to an escape hatch from the law's strictest provision.
The Voting Rights Act effectively attacked persistent discrimination at the polls by keeping close watch, when it comes to holding elections, on those places with a history of preventing minorities from voting. Any changes, from moving a polling place to redrawing electoral districts, can't take effect without approval from the Justice Department or federal judges in Washington.
But the Voting Rights Act allows governments that have changed their ways to get out from under this humbling need to get permission through a "bailout provision." Nearly 250 counties and local jurisdictions have done so; thousands more could be eligible based on the absence of recent discriminatory efforts in voting.
The viability of the bailout option could play an outsized role in the Supreme Court's consideration of the voting rights law's prior approval provision, although four years ago, conservative Justice Clarence Thomas said the prospect of bailing out had been "no more than a mirage."
The court will hear arguments Wednesday in the case, which is among the term's most important, in a challenge from Shelby County, Ala.
Opponents of the law say they no longer should be forced to live under oversight from Washington because the country has made enormous racial progress, demonstrated most recently by the re-election of President Barack Obama. They object in particular to the 40-year-old formula by which some jurisdictions, most in the Deep South, are swept under the law and others remain outside it.
The administration and its allies acknowledge that there has been progress. But they say minority voters still need the protection the law affords from efforts to reduce their influence at the polls. Last year, federal judges in two separate cases blocked Texas from putting in place a voter identification law and congressional redistricting plan because they discriminated against black and Hispanic residents.
Obama himself talked about the case in a radio interview last week. He told SiriusXM host Joe Madison that if the law were stripped of its advance approval provision, "it would be hard for us to catch those things up front to make sure that elections are done in an equitable way."
Also, the law's defenders say places that have changed their ways can win release from having to get Washington's blessing for election changes. Governments seeking to exit have to show that they and the smaller jurisdictions within their borders have had a clean record, no evidence of discrimination in voting, for the past 10 years.
Shelby County has never asked to be freed from the law, but would seem to be ineligible because one city in the county, Calera, defied the voting rights law and prompted intervention by the Bush Justice Department.
Yet places with a long, well-known history of discrimination probably could find their way out from under federal monitoring, according to a prominent voting rights lawyer who used to work for the Justice Department.
"Birmingham, Ala., where they used to use fire hoses on people, may well be eligible to bail out," said the lawyer, Gerry Hebert. Birmingham officials said they've never considered asking.
The Supreme Court made clear its skepticism about the ongoing need for the law when it heard a similar case in 2009. "Past success alone, however, is not adequate justification to retain the preclearance requirements," Chief Justice John Roberts said for the court. That ruling sidestepped the constitutional issue and instead expanded the ability of states, counties and local governments to exit the advance approval process.
At that point, so few governments had tried to free themselves from the advance approval requirement that, in 2009, Thomas said the "promise of a bailout opportunity has, in the great majority of cases, turned out to be no more than a mirage."
At the time, Thomas said, only a handful of the 12,000 state, county and local governments covered by the law had successfully bailed out.
The overall numbers remain low, but the Obama administration argues that "the rate of successful bailouts has rapidly increased" since the high court last took up the Voting Rights Act nearly four years ago.
In the past 12 months, 110 local governments have been freed from the requirement to show in advance that their proposed election changes are not discriminatory. Places that have won their release from coverage include Prince William County, Va., with more than 400,000 residents, and Merced County, Calif., and its 84 municipalities.
Shelby County says that even with the recent jump in bailouts, "only a tiny percentage" of governments have found their way out of oversight from Washington.
The advance approval was adopted in the Voting Rights Act in 1965 to give federal officials a potent tool to defeat persistent efforts to keep blacks from voting.
The provision was a huge success, and Congress periodically has renewed it over the years. The most recent time was in 2006, when a Republican-led Congress overwhelmingly approved and President George W. Bush signed a 25-year extension.
The requirement currently applies to the states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. It also covers certain counties in California, Florida, New York, North Carolina and South Dakota, and some local jurisdictions in Michigan and New Hampshire. Coverage has been triggered by past discrimination not only against blacks, but also against American Indians, Asian-Americans, Alaskan Natives and Hispanics.
The 10 covered towns in New Hampshire are poised to become the next places to win their release from the law. An agreement between the Justice Department and the state is awaiting approval from a federal court in Washington.
Critics of the law contend the Justice Department is highlighting the escape hatch and agreeing to allow places such as the New Hampshire towns to exit to try to make the entire law look more palatable to the court.
Alaska Attorney General Michael Geraghty says in his court filing in support of Shelby County that the Justice Department "commonly agrees to bailouts for jurisdictions that are not legally entitled to receive them."
But supporters of the law argue in response that the federal government's willingness to agree to free places from the need to get permission shows that the voting rights act is flexible and helps focus attention on potentially discriminatory voting schemes.
Voting Rights Act:
Supreme Court:
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University of Kansas researchers have found that the infants of mothers who were given 600 milligrams of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA during pregnancy weighed more at birth and were less likely to be very low birth weight and born before 34 weeks gestation than infants of mothers who were given a placebo. This result greatly strengthens the case for using the dietary supplement during pregnancy.
Susan CarlsonThe results are from the first five years of a 10-year, double-blind randomized controlled trial to be published in the April issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It is also available online. A followup of this sample of infants is ongoing to determine whether prenatal DHA nutritional supplementation will benefit children's intelligence and school readiness.
"A reduction in early preterm and very low birth weight delivery could have clear clinical and public health significance," said Susan Carlson, A.J. Rice Professor of Dietetics and Nutrition at the KU Medical Center, who directed the study with John Colombo, KU professor of psychology and director of the Life Span Institute.
John Colombo"We believe that supplementing U.S. women with DHA could safely increase mean birth weight and gestational age to numbers that are closer to other developed countries such as Norway and Australia," she said.
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) occurs naturally in cell membranes with the highest levels in brain cells, but levels can be increased by diet or supplements. An infant obtains DHA from his or her mother in utero and postnatally from human milk, but the amount received depends upon the mother's DHA status.
"U.S. women typically consume less DHA than women in most of the developed world," said Carlson.
During the first five years of the study, children of women enrolled in the study received multiple developmental assessments at regular intervals throughout infancy and at 18 months of age. In the next phase of the study, the children will receive twice-yearly assessments until they are 6 years old. The researchers will measure developmental milestones that occur in later childhood and are linked to lifelong health and welfare.
Previous research has established the effects of postnatal feeding of DHA on infant cognitive and intellectual development, but DHA is accumulated most rapidly in the fetal brain during pregnancy, said Colombo. "That's why we are so interested in the effects of DHA taken prenatally, because we will really be able to see how this nutrient affects development over the long term."
University of Kansas:
Thanks to University of Kansas for this article.
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LONDON (Reuters) - Pippa Middleton, the sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, is to give cooking tips to the masses in a new column for British supermarket chain Waitrose.
Middleton, 29, will write a column for the upmarket chain's monthly magazine, Waitrose Kitchen, called "Pippa's Friday Night Feasts".
Her foray into kitchen advice comes after she released a book called "Celebrate" last year, which was a guide to entertaining through the year and built on the experience she gained working for her family's party-planning business.
The book by the sister of Britain's future queen was both praised and pilloried in equal measure but did not sell well and was quickly discounted in book stores.
William Sitwell, editor of Waitrose Kitchen, said readers would enjoy Middleton's relaxed and easy entertaining ideas.
[Slideshow: The Duchess shows off the royal bump]
"Pippa will be an excellent contributor to the magazine, bringing with her a wealth of experience of entertaining, gained in part from working at her family's party business," he said in a statement.
Her first column will appear in the magazine's April issue and will feature casual dining ideas and recipes.
Middleton said her column would be an "exciting opportunity to share my own passion and enthusiasm for food and entertaining and I can't wait to get started".
(Reporting by Belinda Goldsmith; Editing by Michael Roddy)
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Here's what everyone should be talking about the day after the awards.
By Kevin P. Sullivan
Jennifer Lawrence trips at the Oscars on Sunday
Photo: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images
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Editor?s note:?Andy Rachleff is President and CEO of?Wealthfront, an SEC-registered online financial advisor. Prior to Wealthfront, Andy co-founded and was general partner of Benchmark Capital. Follow him on Twitter @arachleff.
Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley love to talk about disruption, though few know what it really means. They mistake better products for disruptive ones. Silicon Valley was built on a culture of designing products that are ?better, cheaper, faster,? but that does not mean they are disruptive.
I mistook better, cheaper, faster for disruptive when I became an entrepreneur. This was after I had spent years thinking about disruption as a venture capitalist, and even structured a Stanford Graduate School of Business class around Clay Christensen?s book, The Innovator?s Dilemma.
Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor, defined ?disruption? in The Innovator?s Dilemma. In short, a disruptive product addresses a market that previously couldn?t be served ? a new-market disruption ? or it offers a simpler, cheaper or more convenient alternative to an existing product ??a low-end disruption.
An incumbent in the market finds it almost impossible to respond to a disruptive product. In a new-market disruption, the unserved customers are unserved precisely because serving them would be unprofitable given the incumbent?s business model. In a low-end disruption, the customers lost typically are unprofitable for the incumbents, so the big companies are happy to lose them.
Thus, the innovator?s dilemma. Incumbents appropriately ignore the new product because it is uneconomic to respond, but the incumbents? quiescence can lead to their later downfall.
Google: Disrupting online advertising.?Most people correctly refer to Google as disruptive but don?t understand why. Google?s search algorithm wasn?t disruptive. It was AdWords,?its advertising service. In contrast with Yahoo, which required advertisers to spend at least $5,000 to create a compelling banner ad and $10,000 for a minimum ad purchase, Google offered a self-service ad product for as little as $1.
The initial AdWords customers were startups that couldn?t afford to advertise on Yahoo. A five-word text ad offered inferior fidelity compared with a display ad, but Google enabled a whole new audience to advertise online. A classic new-market disruption. Most have forgotten that Google added significant capability to its advertising service over time and then used its much-lower-cost business model (enabled by self-service) to pursue classic Internet advertisers. Thus it evolved into a low-end disruption.
Salesforce: Disrupting CRM.?Salesforce started as a new-market disruption and evolved into a low-end disruption. Its initial product had fewer features than Siebel Systems? software, but Salesforce made it possible for companies that couldn?t afford a multi-million dollar license fee to employ sales force management software. Once it built a critical mass and further developed its product, Salesforce disrupted Siebel and other CRM companies from below.
It is far more common for a product to be only a new-market disruption or only a low-end disruption. eBay brought auctions to the non-Sotheby?s crowd. Amazon?s amazing business is simpler, cheaper and more convenient than shopping at a store.
Disruptive products don?t have to be cheaper.?A low-end disruption doesn?t have to be lower priced than existing products. Christensen says a low-end disruption must be simpler, cheaper or more convenient. Uber is a great example of a disruptive service that is more convenient, but more expensive than its taxi alternative.
Low-end disruptions are usually inferior.?It is also possible to offer a low-end disruption through an inferior product. In fact, almost all disruptions start out with products that are inferior to those of the incumbents. This is possible when current customers are ?over served? by existing products.
Ubiquiti, a supplier of Wi-Fi equipment that went public about a year ago, is an example of this kind of disruption. It sells dirt-cheap access points that are designed, manufactured and distributed by third parties.?Ubiquiti?s products are dirt cheap because they offer far fewer features that appeal to the most cost-sensitive audience and because the company employs very few people. Not surprisingly, Ubiquiti is taking major market share from the incumbents.
A better product isn?t necessarily disruptive.?Tesla has built new cars that I think are tremendous, but the company is not disruptive. It doesn?t address consumers who can?t solve their current problems with existing cars, and its cars are not far less expensive than the incumbents? cars.
Kayak went public a few months ago and is thought by many to be disruptive. While it?s a better service than alternative travel sites, it is not disruptive by the Christensen definition, because it is not uneconomic for the incumbents to respond (and many have).
Business models, not products, are disruptive.?People sometimes say a technology is disruptive. It?s more appropriate to call?the business model?disruptive.?In order for a company to disrupt, the revenue and cost structure of the incumbents that the company faces must keep them from responding. It?s easy for other companies to add Kayak-like technology to existing products. The business model, not the technology, usually determines whether it is uneconomic for the incumbent to pursue the disruptor.
If you apply this model of disruption to past fads, you can predict with incredible reliability which products turn into long-term successful businesses and which ones don?t.
You would think a guy who has witnessed many disruptions over a 25-year venture capital career and teaches disruption would find designing a disruptive strategy easy.?I thought I?d found the formula with Wealthfront?s initial service, which was meant to be disruptive to mutual funds. In hindsight, we built a better product than the alternatives, but it wasn?t disruptive.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, startups with better products seldom succeed unless they are also disruptive. We hadn?t been growing as fast as we had wanted to, and?then I happened to reread a Christensen chapter on competition to prepare for a class I was about to teach. It immediately hit me that our initial service had no chance.
We began to find success when we transitioned into a software-based financial advisor attempting a new-market disruption by serving young people who can?t afford the high minimums associated with traditional financial advisors (financial advisors can?t afford to lower their minimums to compete with us).
Understanding disruption is hard. Disrupting is even harder.
Andy Rachleff is President and CEO of Wealthfront, an SEC-registered online financial advisor. He serves as a member of the board of trustees and vice chairman of the endowment investment committee for University of Pennsylvania and as a member of the faculty at Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he teaches courses on technology entrepreneurship. Prior to Wealthfront, Andy co-founded and was general partner of Benchmark Capital, where he was responsible for investing in a number of successful companies including...
? Learn moreWealthfront is an SEC-registered, software-based financial advisor that democratizes access to sophisticated financial advice. Wealthfront helps clients navigate through their entire financial lifecycle and manages their investments for them. Led by founder and chief strategy officer Daniel Carroll and president and CEO Andy Rachleff, Wealthfront received funding from DAG Ventures and such angel investors as Marc Andreessen, Ben Horowitz and Jeff Jordan. The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, California.
? Learn moreSource:
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(Reuters) - Securities regulators on Friday filed suit against unknown traders in the options of ketchup maker H.J. Heinz Co, alleging they traded on inside information before the company announced a deal to be acquired for $23 billion by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway and Brazil's 3G Capital.
The suit, filed in federal court in Manhattan, cites "highly suspicious trading" in Heinz call options just prior to the February 14 announcement of the deal.
That trading, the suit said, caused the price of the particular call option they bought to soar 1,700 percent and generated unrealized profits of more than $1.7 million.
The regulator claims the traders are either in, or trading through accounts in, Zurich, Switzerland. The account had no history of trading in Heinz over the last six or so months, the SEC said.
It has also obtained an emergency order to freeze assets in the Swiss account linked to the trading. In the suit, the SEC refers to the account as the "GS Account," and in a statement Goldman Sachs said it was cooperating with the regulator's investigation.
"Irregular and highly suspicious options trading immediately in front of a merger or acquisition announcement is a serious red flag that traders may be improperly acting on confidential nonpublic information," Daniel Hawke, chief of the SEC's Division of Enforcement's Market Abuse Unit said in a statement.
Representatives of Heinz and Berkshire Hathaway were unavailable for immediate comment. A 3G representative declined to comment. The founder of 3G, Jorge Paulo Lemann, is from Brazil but has made a home in Switzerland since the 1990s. He has not been implicated in any wrongdoing related to the deal.
After the deal was revealed on Thursday, options market experts called Wednesday's trading "suspicious and incredibly well-timed.
The suit marks the second time in two years that controversy has erupted over trading in a Berkshire acquisition target.
In March 2011, Berkshire struck a deal to buy the chemical company Lubrizol for $9 billion. Less than three weeks later, Berkshire said Buffett's lieutenant David Sokol was resigning, and disclosed that Sokol had been buying up Lubrizol shares while pushing Buffett to acquire the company.
The SEC dropped a probe into Sokol's trading earlier this year.
The suit is Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Certain Unknown Traders in the Securities of H.J. Heinz Co, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 13-1080.
(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel and Bernard Vaughan; Writing by Ben Berkowitz; Editing by Leslie Adler, David Gregorio and Tim Dobbyn)
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If you're running out of space in Gmail (yes, some people do brush up against that 25GB limit), here's a simple script that can help you free up inbox space by archiving emails to Google Drive. It's also handy just for saving emails as PDFs and all the attachments as well.
The script, from Google Apps solutions development company JellyBend, uses a Google spreadsheet to trigger the archiving. All you need to do, after authorizing the script, is label any emails you want to archive with the "Archive to Drive" label and then select the "Archive Gmail Messages" command in the spreadsheet.
After the script does its magic, you'll find those emails in a new "Email Archive" folder in Google Drive. The subfolder for each email is titled with the email date, time, sender, and subject. Back in Gmail, the emails will have the "Archive to Drive" label removed; note that the script doesn't delete these emails from Gmail.
In my test using a Google Apps account, I had to create the label in Gmail and folder in Drive manually. The script is supposed to do that for you, but it might work with a regular Google account. It works as promised, though.
If you want to save all your old emails to Drive and get rid of them in Gmail, use the "before:YYYY/MM/DD" filter, add the "Archive to Drive" label, hit up that spreadsheet button, and then you can delete them. As TechCrunch's Sarah Perez writes, "It's a Google alternative to Outlook's PST."
See the link below for full instructions and the script.
Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive folders | Jellybend via TechCrunch
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from Dean Baker
At this point everyone knows about Fix the Debt. It is a collection of corporate CEOs put together by Peter Peterson, the Wall Street private equity mogul. Ostensibly they want to reduce budget deficits and the national debt, but for some reason their attention always seems focused on cutting Social Security and Medicare. While some in this group will allow for minor tax increases, budget cuts are explicitly a priority, with these two programs firmly in their crosshairs.
Given that the stated goal of this group is to reduce budget deficits, it is worth asking why taxes don?t figure more prominently on their agenda. After all, the United States ranks near the bottom of wealthy countries in its tax take as a share of GDP. It is also worth asking why one tax in particular, a financial transactions tax, never seems to get mentioned in anything the group or its members do.?
This omission is striking because so many others in budget debates in the United States and around the world regularly suggest such a tax. There is a long list of highly respected economists who have advocated such taxes, starting with John Maynard Keynes. The list includes many Nobel Prize winners, most notably James Tobin who wrote several papers arguing for such a tax as a way to both raise revenue and slow speculative trading.
Financial transactions taxes are hardly new. The United Kingdom has had a tax on stock trades in place since 1694. It still imposes a tax of 0.5 percent on trades. Relative to the size of its economy the tax raises the equivalent of $30-40 billion a year in the United States. Many other countries, including India and China, have financial transactions taxes. The United States used to have a tax of 0.04 percent on stock trades until 1966 and still has a very small tax that is used to finance the Securities and Exchange Commission.
In the wake of the financial crisis there has been renewed interest in a financial speculation tax. The European Union recently decided to move ahead with implementing a tax which will first be imposed in 2015 or 2016. There is also considerable interest in the United States. While financial speculation taxes have been included as a funding mechanism in many bills there were two standalone bills introduced in Congress last year.
A bill introduced by Tom Harkin in the Senate and Peter DeFazio in the house would apply a tax rate of 0.03 percent (that is 3 cents on $100 dollars) on trades of stocks, bonds and derivatives. The Congressional Joint Tax Committee projected that the tax would raise close to $40 billion a year. That would come to $400 billion over a decade. Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison introduced a bill that would scale the tax rate by asset, starting with the same 0.5 percent rate the U.K. imposes stock trades. This bill could raise as much as $180 billion a year.
The concept of a transactions tax has received considerable support from grassroots groups around the country. It has also been endorsed by many unions, including the National Nurses United, SEIU, and the AFL-CIO.
Given all the interest in a financial speculation tax it is striking that the Fix the Debt crew never even mention it when discussing their efforts at deficit reduction. That seems to cry out for an explanation.
One possibility is that they haven?t heard of it. That one is too out in space to take seriously. Even the IMF has written on financial transactions taxes and in fact advocated increasing taxes on the financial sector. How could the Debt Fixers not know about the proposals for financial transactions taxes?
It is possible that they have a slam dunk argument that a financial speculation tax would just be bad news for the economy or really wouldn?t raise any revenue. If so, it would be nice if they could share it with the rest of us so that we didn?t waste our time giving FSTs further consideration. After all, in addition to all the politicians and policy types to who have been devoting time to the issue, most of the European Union is about to put a tax into law in 2-3 years. If the Debt Fixers know of some horrible problem that all the researchers, including the IMF, have missed they would do us an enormous favor by setting us straight.
Then there is possibility number three. Many of the debt fixers, such as Morgan Stanley director Erskine Bowles and Peter Peterson, the master debt fixer himself, have longstanding ties to the financial industry. They may not be interested in a financial speculation tax for the simple reason that it could eat into their bread and butter. We should no more expect the Debt Fixers to support a FST than we would expect a farmers? lobby to support an end to farm subsidies.
On the plausibility scale, explanation number three would seem to be the most credible. We have a group of rich finance types using their wealth to advance their agenda. There?s nothing new in this story, that?s the way Washington politics has always worked. The question we should then ask is, why do the Washington Post, National Public Radio, and the Sunday morning talk shows take these people seriously?
See article on original website
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The Olympian and Paralympian was emotional in a South African court this morning, shedding tears and needing to sit down as he was formally charged in the shooting death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.
By Cecile Antonie, Rohit Kachroo and Ian Johnston, NBC News
Olympic and Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius sobbed as he appeared in a South African court Friday and was accused of the "premeditated" murder of his girlfriend.
The sprinter -- nicknamed "Blade Runner" because he races wearing carbon-fiber prosthetic blades after he was born without a fibula in both legs ? is accused of?killing model Reeva Steenkamp at his home in a Pretoria suburb early Thursday.
Pistorius disputes the accusations in "the strongest terms," according to a statement issued following the court appearance which said the runner sent "his deepest sympathies" to Steenkamp's family.
South African police said Thursday that Pistorius and Steenkamp, 30, were the only people in the house at the time of the shooting.
Oscar Pistorius, the superstar athlete who became the first double amputee sprinter to compete in the Olympics, is the sole suspect in the murder of law school graduate and famous South African model Reeva Steenkamp. NBC's Rehema Ellis reports.
Pistorius, 26, arrived at the court about two hours before the hearing that began at about 4:30 a.m. ET Friday.
As the hearing started, Pistorius kept his head down, cried and held his hands to his face. At times, he appeared confused.
"Take it easy. Come, take a seat," Reuters quoted Magistrate Desmond Nair as telling him.
A defense lawyer referred to his client?s ?traumatised state of mind.?
Several of Pistorius? family members were in the courtroom and also appeared emotional; one seemed distraught and others wept.
Prosecutors alleged the Olympic runner had committed "premeditated murder" and he was formally charged.
Pistorius was remanded in custody pending a bail hearing next week. An application by the media for the proceedings to be broadcast was rejected at the start of the hearing.
After the hearing, a statement issued by Pistorius' agent said: "The alleged murder is disputed in the strongest terms." It added:
"Oscar Pistorius has made history as an Olympic and Paralympic sportsman and has been an inspiration to others the world over. He has made it very clear that he would like to send his deepest sympathies to the family of Reeva. He would also like to express his thanks through us today for all the messages of support he has received - but as stated our thoughts and prayers today should be for Reeva and her family - regardless of the circumstances."
Citing a neighbor, the Afrikaans-language Beeld newspaper?reported Friday that Pistorius shot his girlfriend four times through a bathroom door. NBC News could not independently verify the report, which was translated by Reuters.
Numerous media outlets reported Thursday that Pistorius may have mistaken the woman for an intruder, but police said neighbors had heard noises before the shots and that there had been previous "domestic" incidents at the house.
The athlete who rose to fame in London last summer as the first amputee runner in the Olympics has reportedly been arrested by South African police after his girlfriend was shot and killed in his home. NBC's Rohit Kachroo reports and NBC sports analyst Ato Boldon talks about the case, calling it an "absolute shock."
'Charming, great guy'
The couple had been dating for several months, and??seemed happy,? Steenkamp?s publicist Sarit Tomlinson told TODAY on Thursday. There was no sign of discord between the two, she said.
Tomlinson said that Pistorius was a ?charming, great guy.?
Read more on this story from NBC Sports
According to her Facebook page, Steenkamp was born in Cape Town, South Africa, and raised in Port Elizabeth.
She?earned a law degree at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University before moving to Johannesburg and earning a job as the South African face of cosmetics maker Avon.
Greg Stokell, headmaster of St. Dominic?s Priory school in Port Elizabeth, told South Africa's The Times newspaper that Steenkamp was ?a vibrant, friendly, diligent, and motivated student who was popular with and respected by staff and peers alike.?
From an early age, "Reeva had the full support of her parents who encouraged her to maximize her strengths and abilities to achieve her dreams,? Stokell told the paper. ?She set high goals for herself in everything she did and she consistently converted opportunities into success.?
Phill Magakoe / Pretoria News via AP
A police officer holds a gun that was allegedly used in the shooting of Reeva Steenkamp, Oscar Pistorius' girlfriend.
Steenkamp was featured in men?s magazine FHM in December 2011, and named one of the publication?s 100 Sexiest Women in the World for two years in a row.
Pistorius battled for years to be allowed to compete against able-bodied athletes and was the first double amputee to run in the Olympics.
He qualified for the 400-meter semi-finals and 4 x 400-meter final at the London 2012 Summer Games.
His website highlighted that Pistorius ran in 11 races during the London 2012 Olympics and Paralymics and returned home with "two Paralympic gold medals, Paralympic silver, two world records, a Paralympic record, an Olympic individual semi-final and an Olympic final."
NBC's John Newland, Jason Cumming and Matthew DeLuca, Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Pistorius, a double amputee born without fibulas in his legs, has trained hard to participate in the Olympics despite having to wear prosthetic legs. NBC's Mary Carillo reports.
Sporting world shocked by charges against inspirational Pistorius
Pistorius lived out dream by running at Olympics
Twitter reacts to Pistorius murder charge
This story was originally published on Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:30 AM EST
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MOBILE, Ala. (AP) ? A Carnival official says the disabled ship Triumph is now 5 miles from the cruise terminal.
Terry Thornton says the ship is now expected to arrive between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. Central time Thursday.
He said warm food, blankets, cellphones await passengers.
He said the ship would be taken Friday to a nearby repair facility to be assessed.
Four days ago, the 893-foot ship was crippled by an engine-room fire in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.
More than 4,000 people are on board.
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We all know breast is best when it comes to feeding our babies but how would you feel about your newborn drinking a stranger?s breast milk?
Natalie Scobie, a mother of four, is in no doubt that donated human milk was the best option for her child Max when he needed additional nutrition, and says she was totally comfortable taking it from a complete stranger.
?Max had attachment issues when he was born so we switched to exclusively using expressed? milk but he needed more than I could manage so we looked for donors that were within easy travelling distance from us,? she says.
Preferring breast milk to formula, Natalie joined the Facebook milk-sharing network ? Human Milk 4 Human Babies which enabled her to source all the milk Max needed over a nine-month period.
?From the reading I?d done, giving my baby human milk was a better option than something processed and artificial,? she says.? ?We did have some initial concerns but all the women we received donations from offered antenatal blood test results and they were also feeding their own babies so that was reassuring.?
Milk pumps are generally used by donors to express milk which is then frozen or refrigerated until needed.
Reported to have 4,000 Australian members, HM4HB is just one of many online communities that have revived the wet-nursing tradition by matching donor to recipient, but not everyone is welcoming this growing practice.
Speaking on behalf of the Australian Medical Association, obstetrician and gynaecologist, Dr Gino Pecoraro is just one of many health professionals who have expressed alarm about? widespread breast milk sharing and says he was surprised to hear the practice actually existed.
?This is the first I?ve heard of it,? he says when approached by It?s My Health.? ?However, on face value I can?t get past the inherent risks.? What guarantee do you have that it?s human breast milk and what guarantee is there that these antenatal blood tests are still applicable?? How are they transporting it and how do you know it hasn?t thawed and then been refrozen?
?I?m not trying to create fear but isn?t that why there are proper run breast milk banks with all the checks and balances undertaken to ensure it?s a safe product??
RMT University?s Dr Jennifer James, a midwife and lactation specialist, responds to Pecoraro?s last comment by pointing out that Australia has only three human milk banks providing a screened and pasturised product ? located in? Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales ? and that these facilities are unable to meet demand.
?The best these milk banks can do is supply milk to neonatal babies in special care.? There simply isn?t the supply available to offer it to well babies,? she says.
An advocate of milk sharing online, James says she encourages the theory behind it and that setting up environments like HM4HB is a ?very good way to go about it?.
?It?s a good thing; a lovely thing; a generous thing to do,? she says of the donors.? ?The health ramifications are minimal and the risk of transmitting disease is very, very small.?
?You have to think about why these women are doing it; why they are giving so generously and offering something of their own that they have worked so hard for. The chances of somebody using crack cocaine is remote unless there was money in it.?
But crack cocaine and associated infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis are not Pecoraro?s main concern.? He says it?s more likely that poor hygiene could negatively affect milk quality or result in bacterial contamination.
?What happens if there is an adverse reaction due to good old fashioned strep or strap [bacteria],? he says.? ?We are giving this product to the most vulnerable people in this world ? little babies ? and potentially exposing them to pathogens or bacteria from bad storage or bad hygiene.?
While acknowledging that nothing is ?risk free?, James sees breast milk sharing as preferable to formula, pointing out that artificial infant milk powders ?also carry a lot of risk?.
?Formula is such an inferior product,? she says.? ?Sure it gives basic nutrition but it?s far from optimal.? In fact, with formula there is a much greater risk of a whole host of problems including gastrointestinal issues, respiratory problems, allergies and developmental things.?
James believes much of the negativity surrounding breast milk sharing is due to cultural sensitivities.?
?This sort of thing doesn?t get talked about much because of the yuck factor.? People still think about it as a bodily fluid but it?s an extraordinary substance, a living substance which changes with the time of the day and in line with the age of the baby.? The fact that breast milk is sometimes likened to urine is unfortunate but I?m really not sure how you overcome that perception.?
Leaving the experts to argue it out, Natalie remains in awe of those altruistic women who are willing to spend a significant amount of time expressing milk for somebody else?s baby. ?She is also of the view that milk sharing is safer for babies than formula as long as its inherent risks are keenly managed.
?There was nothing in it for my donor so there was no reason for me to feel sceptical about it. I am just unbelievably appreciative and amazed to be the recipient of such generosity.?
Thirty four year-old Natalie Kane is one such selfless donor.? Pregnant with her third child, she has happily breastfed other people?s babies when needed and now intends to regularly donate some of her milk after she gives birth in May.
?I?ve just moved to rural New South Wales where I see a lot of bottle-fed babies whose mothers had trouble breastfeeding and saw their only option as [using] formula so I have offered to admin a Facebook page to get a milk sharing community going out here,? she says.
?There is a sense of accomplishment when you can feed your own baby so if you can help another mother do that it?s very special.? There is a lot of trust involved.??
Unlike age-old practices like wet-nursing and ?cross-nursing? where feeding is reciprocated among friends and family, milk sharing among strangers is a new phenomenon made possible by social media.?
Anecdotally, midwives appear to be generally supportive of the practice but it remains to be seen whether the broader health community will give it the collective thumbs up.
Meanwhile, mothers like Natalie Scobie and Natalie Kane are keen to spread the word to give women a greater choice when it comes to feeding their babies.
?I think it?s important that women who can?t breastfeed know there?s an alternative to formula,? Natalie Scobie says.? ?You can post your needs [on social media] or your offer of milk and then it?s up to the two women involved to sort it out.? Really it?s just doing what mothers have always done except it?s on a greater scale.?
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AMSTERDAM (AP) ? World stock markets were mixed Thursday, as disappointing news about German economic growth dragged shares in Europe and the U.S. lower.
Asian markets closed higher and European stocks had been following them until figures from the European data service Eurostat were released. They showed the economy across the 17 European Union countries that use the euro fell 0.6 percent in the final three months of 2012. In particular, Germany's decline was worse than expected.
It appears to be suffering from weakness in the other European economies it exports to, which are taking painful austerity measures to lower debt.
"With increased uncertainty stemming from the euro crisis and the global economic cooling in the second half of the year, the German economy has finally lost its invincibility," said ING Senior Economist Carsten Brzeski. "Looking ahead, however, there is increasing evidence that the economy should pick up speed again" later in the year, he predicted.
Germany's DAX was the biggest loser, closing 1.1 percent lower at 7,631.19. Britain's FTSE 100 shed 0.5 percent to 6,327.36, while France's CAC-40 fell 0.8 percent to3,669.60.
Wall Street shares were lower, though both corporate and macroeconomic news gave some reasons for optimism.
The Labor Department said weekly unemployment applications dropped to a seasonally adjusted 341,000, the lowest level in three weeks, while a $23 billion bid led by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. for H.J. Heinz Co. showed the renowned investor still believes some blue-chip stocks are undervalued.
Dow Jones industrial index was down 0.1 percent to 13,968.60, while the broader S&P 500 was down fractionally at 1,519.68.
Asian stock markets finished mostly higher, ahead of a meeting this weekend of finance ministers of the Group of 20 major advanced and developing nations in Moscow.
Japan's Nikkei 225 index rose 0.5 percent to close at 11,307.28, brushing aside data showing the Japanese economy shrank for a third straight quarter in the last three months of 2012.
Investors believe the yen's recent weakness will boost company earnings ? and there will be more to come.
The Bank of Japan ended a policy meeting Thursday with no new initiatives, which was the expected outcome ahead of an impending leadership change at the central bank.
But its governor Masaaki Shirakawa, who has appeared at odds with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's views, is resigning next month, giving the government an opportunity to find a successor more sympathetic to Abe's push for ultra-loose monetary policy.
South Korea's Kospi rose 0.2 percent while Australia's S&P/ASX 300 advanced 0.7 percent largely due to gains in the resource sector. Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 0.9 percent. Markets in Singapore and the Philippines fell while mainland China and Taiwan remained closed for Lunar New Year holidays.
Francis Lun, managing director of Lyncean Holdings in Hong Kong, said the local market was being led higher by financial stocks on "a rumor" that Chinese banks would be given permission to increase lending.
The Hang Seng, reopening after a three-day holiday, displayed no sign of distress over North Korea's underground nuclear test that took place Tuesday.
"Unless they throw a nuclear bomb at South Korea or Japan, nobody thinks much of it," Lun said.
Benchmark oil for March delivery was up 0.5 percent to $97.48 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
In currencies, the euro fell to $1.3337 from $1.3447 late Wednesday in New York. The dollar was weaker against the yen, falling to 93.03 yen from 93.48 yen.
Pamela Sampson contributed to this story from Bangkok.
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A Bahraini activist says dialogue will not succeed in Bahrain while Saudi troops are in the country.
Bahrainis have staged anti-regime demonstrations to mark the second anniversary of the uprising despite a heavy-handed crackdown by the Al Khalifa regime. The demonstrators called for the downfall of the Al Khalifa regime and an end to the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.
Bahrainis have been staging demonstrations against the regime since mid-February 2011.
Press TV has talked with Abbas al-Omran, with the Bahrain Center for Human Rights from London, to shed more light on the issue at hand.
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by Dee Gill February 14, 2013
Baidu (BIDU) has made great fortunes for shareholders as China?s biggest Internet search company, and no one doubts that it will grow greatly in years to come. But the investment community looks confounded over the value of Baidu stock. Just how much should investors pay for shares in the Google (GOOG) of China, a place where millions of people are just beginning to get online?
Recent analyst comment on the shares has included two reiterated buy/overweight ratings and two sell recommendations. Two others downgraded the shares to holds. Most of the commentary followed Baidu?s full-year earnings and forecasts released Feb. 4, which included 54% revenue growth and 46% operating profit growth that pretty much met forecasts. But its outlook led analysts to predict about 36% revenue growth and 13% EPS growth this year, and the market was looking for more, as seen in a stock chart.
BIDU data by YCharts
Baidu is the second largest Internet search company on earth, controlling about 79% of the market in China. (Google all but left China in 2010 over censorship and hacking issues.) Concerns over a Baidu investment now arise from growing competition, especially Qihoo 360 Technology (QIHU), a company with a popular browser that just jumped into search.
The fight between the two companies is bound to intensify. Qihoo and its trash-talking CEO have been widely criticized for unfair competition, like allegedly using software that trick people into searching on Qihoo instead of Baidu. Apple (AAPL) removed Qihoo apps from iTunes, and the company has been warned by Chinese authorities, but it still gained a 10% market share of Chinese search in the few months since it got into the business late last year. It?s the sort of nastiness that can make U.S. investors nervous about investing in Chinese companies, yet Qihoo is clearly winning investor sentiment at the moment. Qihoo shares have nearly doubled in the past six months; Baidu is down 27%.
Baidu's growth, slower than Google's by far over the past five years, is underwhelming.
BIDU Revenue TTM data by YCharts
Baidu is spending a lot of money on technology aimed at keeping the competition at bay. That, along with the fact that mobile searches bring in less money, has put pressure on very strong profit margins that have attracted investors to Baidu shares for years. The margin narrowing alarmed investors. Its forward PE ratio at 20.11 just dropped below Google?s.
BIDU Forward PE data by YCharts
Baidu skeptics are waiting to see whether its recent profit margin slide is temporary or the new reality for a company that may lose market share amid strong competition. The bulls on the stock see Internet search exploding in China as more and more of the population gets online, and plenty of business to go around.
Dee Gill, a senior contributing editor at YCharts, is a former foreign correspondent for AP-Dow Jones News in London, where she covered the U.K. equities market and economic indicators. She has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and Time magazine. She can be reached at
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Happy National Condom Day! If you're not thrilled with the abundance of pink paper hearts surrounding your desk, this campaign for safe sex offers a different reason to celebrate February 14.
Fittingly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released two reports Thursday on contraception use in the United States. The reports summarize data from the National Survey of Family Growth.
One, "Use of Emergency Contraception Among Women Aged 15-44," is the first ever published on emergency contraception by the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics.
Here are some of the most interesting highlights from that report:
? Approximately 11% of women ages 15 to 44 used emergency contraception between 2006 and 2010, up 7% from 2002
? Women between the ages of 20 and 24 were most likely to use emergency contraception; about 1 in 4 have done so
? The two most common reasons for using emergency contraception are fear of birth control failure (45% of users) and having unprotected sex (49%)
? Use of emergency contraception increased with education. In other words, women with a bachelor's degree were more likely to use it than women who had not completed high school.
The second report analyzed data from 1982 to 2010 to find trends in overall contraceptive use in the United States. The authors found:
? 99% of sexually active women have used at least one contraceptive method sometime during their lifetime
? Approximately 27% of 15- to 17-year-old women are having sex
? Use of the birth control pill has remained steady since the mid-1990s at around 82%
? More women (about 33%) are using other hormonal methods like an arm implant, injection or patch
? Condom use is up to 93% from 52% in 1982
? IUD use declined between 1982 and 2002, but increased to 7.7% between 2002 and 2010
? Foreign-born Hispanic women are three times more likely to use IUDs than other groups
? 60% of women use "withdrawal," more commonly called the pull-out method, as a form of birth control
? Many women change birth control methods over the years; the median number of methods used is 3.1
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Rosa Golijan , NBC News ? ? ? 12 hrs.
As it does on the second Tuesday of every month, Microsoft celebrated "Patch Tuesday" this week. Perhaps in an attempt to keep us all extra safe on Valentine's Day, the software giant went all out, issuing fixes for 57 flaws, making this one of its biggest security updates in recent memory.
Jonathan Ness, who leads the Microsoft Security Response Center engineering team, notes that this update includes twelve "security bulletins" which address 52 common vulnerabilities and exposures. Five of the bulletins have a severity rating of "critical" and seven are deemed "important." This means that they address exploitable issues, ones that could cause quite a headache if left unpatched. You better get your mouse pointer to that good ol' "Update" button, stat! Affected Microsoft products run the gamut: Windows, Internet Explorer, Office and more.
The Verge's Adrianne Jeffries notes that while this month's security update is particulary huge, it's not breaking any records for Microsoft. The company's all-time biggest update fixed 64 bugs.
So, who is busy helping Microsoft close up its security holes? None other than its arch nemesis, Google. In fact, Microsoft acknowledges that 32 of the 57 items addressed in Tuesday's update were reported by Google engineers Gynvael Coldwind and Mateusz "j00ru" Jurczyk.
Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.
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Google on Wednesday announced multi-currency e-commerce support for Google Analytics, saying the feature ?will be rolling out to all users over the next few weeks.? The move is being made in response to user feedback, according to the company.
Multi-currency support means Analytics users can track transaction metrics (total revenue, tax, and shipping & handling) in multiple local currencies within a single Web property. Furthermore, Google Analytics can convert these figures into the one currency you have set in your profile, making it easier to conduct analysis and reporting across an international customer base.
Here?s how it looks:
As you can see, Google is supporting 31 different currencies including USD. Here?s the full list:
The currency code is available at Google Developers and you can also grab code snippets at Google Analytics.
The conversion rate is decided based on data pulled from currency server, the same one that serves Google Billing. The value is the daily exchange rate of the day before the hit date.
You cannot retroactively process your history transaction data. This will be possible, however, going forward from the day you start using multi-currency support.
See also ? comScore: Retail e-commerce hit $186.2b in 2012 thanks to 15% growth, the strongest since before the recession
Image credit: Benjamin Earwicker
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Using its arm mounted drill, NASA's Curiosity rover has hammered a rock on an outcrop on Mars, in preparation for the first drilling activity on the Red Planet. ?
By Mike Wall,? / February 6, 2013
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has pounded into a Martian rock with its hammering drill for the first time, as this picture snapped by the robot on Feb. 2, 2013 shows.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems
EnlargeNASA's Mars rover Curiosity has pounded into a Red Planet rock with its drill for the first time, bringing the 1-ton robot a big step closer to initiating its first full-bore drilling operations.
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The?Curiosity rover?hammered the rock using the arm-mounted drill's percussive action over the weekend, completing another test along the path toward spinning the bit and biting into rock for the first time.
"We tapped this rock on Mars with our drill. Keep it classy everyone," Curiosity flight director Bobak Ferdowsi ? who gained fame as "Mohawk Guy" during the rover's nail-biting landing on the night of Aug. 5, 2012 ? wrote in a Twitter post Sunday (Feb. 3), sharing a photo of the pounded rock.
Curiosity's drill can bore 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) into Martian rock, deeper than any rover has been able to go before. Using the drill and its associated systems is a complex operation, so the mission team has been building up slowly to the?first drilling activity?on the Red Planet.
Last week, Curiosity performed some "pre-load" tests, pressing down on a rock with its drill in several different places to see if the amount of force applied matches predictions.
The six-wheeled robot has also been carefully evaluating its target rock, which is part of an outcrop the mission team has named "John Klein," after a former Curiosity deputy project manager who died in 2011.
Curiosity's main goal is to determine if its?Gale Crater landing site?could ever have supported microbial life. Along with the rover's 10 science instruments and 17 cameras, the drill is viewed as key in this quest, as it allows Curiosity to dig deep into Martian rocks for potential signs of past habitability.?
The mission team wants to test the drill out on a target with scientific value, and John Klein seems to qualify. The outcrop shows many signs of past exposure to liquid water, including light-colored mineral veins that were apparently deposited by flowing water long ago.
Follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter?@michaeldwall?or We're also on?Facebook?and?Google+.?
Copyright 2013?, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Bikram is to yoga what Tae-Bo is to kickboxing. Like Billy Blanks, Bikram Choudhury took a long-existing practice and modified it to create a uniquely-packaged fitness franchise. According to the 66-year-old Indian-born yoga guru, the precise sequence of 26 postures and two breathing exercises must be performed within 90 minutes in a heated (100-degrees-plus) room to allow the body to stretch, detoxify, relieve stress, tone, and heal chronic pain such as arthritis, joint aches, knee injuries, back problems, and more.
If you decide to try a class, don't expect your instructor to demonstrate the moves. In Bikram, they're trained to talk you through the flow as part of a moving meditation (listening to these directions forces practitioners to stop thinking and be in the moment). No matter where you practice in the world, the dialogue between the teacher and the student stays pretty much the same (seriously, they're following a script).
Another constant: the sweaty smell! Every studio has a soft carpet, which is more forgiving to joints than hardwood floors. "These days many studios have an anti-bacterial carpet that gets cleaned regularly,? assures Maria McBride, owner and founder of Bikram Yoga Natick in Massachusetts and Lululemon Athletica ambassador. ?So if it stinks when you walk in that's good! It's not dirt, but just sweat, which is what we want,? she says.
Here's what else you need to know before you bring it Bikram-style.
RELATED: Learn Kate Beckinsale?s favorite yoga combo.
1. Handle the Heat
Stepping into a sauna-hot room mid-winter shouldn't be a problem. The hard part is staying there for 90 minutes. ?When you start to feel uncomfortable, your gut instinct may be to drink water, wipe sweat, gulp in air, panic, look around, and then run from the room,? says two-time U.K. yoga asana champion Kristin Bergman, who has a doctorate in psychological medicine and teaches at Bikram Yoga Richmond in London. ?If you feel dizzy, sit down and focus on trying to override the discomfort by using your breath,? she advises. ?Trust that you can recover in less than one minute by simply closing your mouth and breathing through your nose.?
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| Today's MacUpdate Promo offers 30% savings on Borderlands 2 + Sir Hammerlock Expansion Pack 1.0. "Borderlands 2 blends elements of role-playing and first-person action into a single energetic, consuming gaming experience. In the newest expansion pack, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt, enter the swaps of Pandora to recover lost treasure, but to get to it you'll have to survive hideous mutants and relentless armies of savages." Tim Cook speaks confidently about Apple, Street once again says "not enough" and down goes AAPL. Apple is stuck a no-win situation with Wall Street. Agree or disagree? Cast your vote in "Today's Poll..." in the left column below or go straight to the results here. Tuesday Highlights: Tim Cook speaks at Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet conference, remains very bullish on Apple, says company "unrivaled" in innovation, calls Einhorn lawsuit against Apple a "silly slideshow" and a "distraction"; Jonny Evans at Computerworld ponders what was said, and the 12 points Cook spelled out; and on iPhone sales concerns, Cook does not believe there's any danger of stalling, also suggesting Apple won't do a phone that isn't great, which some take as evidence there won't be a cheap iPhone; Turkey will see first Apple Store as Apple preps for a big international retail push, at the same time temporarily closing 20 stores for renovation; on OLED displays, Tim Cook says they're "awful" with untrustworthy color accuracy; reports aplenty throughout MacSurfer in content-appropriate sections; meanwhile, Einhorn's lawsuit and the rumor of an iWatch are said to help boost Apple shares, and the iWatch plus Apple television would produce an additional $80 billion in revenue for Apple; Apple's Board of Directors mulling company cash "problem"; Citi analyst casts warning that iPad will face greater challenge for marketshare thanks to other 7" tablets, touch-screen ultrabooks; Harris Poll study has Amazon in prime spot for reputation rankings, Apple, Google now in top 5; Alicia Keys says tweet which lauded her iPhone was a hack, not from her; Western Digital challenges Apple TV with new Play streamer device; iPhone 4S receives iOS 6.1.1 update which addresses performance issues; Apple granted a slew of new patents today including wearable/attachable computing, microslot antennas, and more in our Hardware/Software section; another SSD review from HotHardware, this one being Samsung's 840 series SSD; John Dvorak at PC Magazine casts doubts on recent user satisfaction survey which had 4 Android handest outranking the iPhone; Brad at iSource begins chronicling his experience with the 128GB iPad as his main computer. WEDNESDAY BLOWOUT: Every NEW or RENEWING paid subscriber receives 2 YEARS FREE.... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||