Some people find successful cooking to be virtually effortless, while others consider cooking to be an elusive art. Becoming good at cooking isn?t difficult if you educate yourself a little and persevere. Learning to cook is an extremely useful skill to have as everyone has to eat! This article includes some great tips for the beginner cook and for the experienced cook, as well.
One of the things that you will need to realize when you are making meats or fish is that you need to spread your seasoning evenly. Adding too much seasoning in one area of your food can reduce the flavor or lead to a tangy taste that will reduce the quality of your meal (Wok).
You should try juicing if you do not like the taste of vegetables. It is very easy to mask the taste of the vegetables by juicing them with fruits that are full of flavor. Spinach, zucchini and carrots can easily be juiced with apples, strawberries and pears to make a delicious drink that is full of vitamins and nutrients.
Using the right sauce when barbecuing can make a very big difference to the final result. Having a good barbecue sauce can enhance the flavor of whatever meat one is going to be cooking. Once the right sauce has been found it should be glazed on the meat before cooking for best results.
Don?t get caught out when entertaining. If you are entertaining 8 or more people, aim to serve four different kinds of hors d?oeuvres. Each from one of the following categories: fish or shellfish, meat, vegetables and cheese. Bite-sized pieces are ideal, with the exception of veggies for dipping. When figuring out the amount of hors d?oeuvres, try to offer 6 pieces per person per hour.
You can avoid sticky rice by removing the starch. To do just that wash the rice several times until the water coming from the rice is crystal clear. Remove all the water, and let the rice sit for 20 minutes. Adding a few drops of lemon to the water before cooking also helps to separate the grains.
If you want to cut the corn off of the cob the best thing to do is do it one ear at a time and hold it at an angle in a pan. Use a sharp knife and cut it as close to the cob as you can use the milky juices over top of the corn for extra flavor.
Make sure you are storing your herbs and spices in a cool, dark space. Many factors can cause herbs and spices to lose their flavor. Light, humidity, and heat can all cause them to lose some of their flare. To avoid this, make sure you are storing your herbs somewhere like a cool cabinet.
Trying to cook with little children running around under your feet? Give them something to do. Any small and simple task will make them feel like they are helping with the meal, and it will keep them out of trouble for a little while as you try to finish up the dish that you are working so hard on.
Use nonstick cookware when you want to cook healthier. Nonstick pans have a coating on them that makes food easily slide out, even with no oil. This is great for when you are trying to control the fat in your diet. If you do use oil, you will have to use far less. What?s more, nonstick pans are so easy to clean!
There is no longer a need to hold onto any fear of the kitchen. By following these ideas and learning the basics of cooking, you will be rewarded. With a little time and practice you will be whipping up gourmet meals to impress your friends in no time at all.
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April 08 2012 09:22 am | Uncategorized
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